As a UP student, you are expected to know about, agree to, and abide by certain codes of conduct  there regulate appropriate and inappropriate social interactions you can have with faculty, staff, and fellow students. Please refer to  the UP Gender Guidelines and the UP Anti-Sexual Harassment Code (see Section 7, "Classification of Acts" in particular).  If you wish to report an incident involving sexual discrimination or harassment, please contact the Office of Gender Concerns (

Please note as well that your use of UPOU information and technology services is governed by the UP System's Acceptable Use Policy. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Users may not use the facilities of the IT System to produce, disseminate, or display material that could be considered offensive, pornographic, racially abusive, or libelous in nature.
  • Users may not use electronic communication facilities (such as mail, chat, or systems with similar functions) to send messages which are fraudulent, maliciously harassing, obscene, threatening, or in violation of laws, administrative rules and regulations, or other policies of the University System or its constituent universities (CU). Violators shall suffer a penalty ranging from suspension for one month to expulsion or dismissal.

You can also learn more about behaving ethically during online interactions by watching Elaine Marcilla's lecture on General Ethical Practices Online